The Social Network for meeting new people

§αɳƈƚυαɾყ: A §αƒє ℋανєη


    Welcome to Sαɳƈƚυαɾყ! A Haven for anyone and everyone regardless of sex, race, or sexual preference. We ask that you be respectful and have fun while you are here. If you have any questions, just ask. Other than that, have fun and enjoy your time here. We started as a Pets' group primarily, but all are welcome regardless. You are not required to play pets or buy the pets in group if you join. We're just happy you're here. Using our group logo in your username is OPTIONAL, and NOT mandatory, however, if you wish to show off your pride in being a member of one of the greatest groups on Tagged/Hi5, feel free to COPY/PASTE and use any of the following logos in your own username: (§αɳƈƚυαɾყ) (§αɳƈ.) (§α) (§)

    Personal Groups - Friend Groups - Other





    Alex (§) belongs to BB