The Social Network for meeting new people
  • Tony P


    321 times


    Let's talk, Socialize, become friends & get creative together

    April 22, 2018



    Français, English, Español - España

  • About Me

    • Anything that i'd like to sing from 1918 to 2018 period.

    • Action, Sci-fi, fantastic, comedies from Amelie to Wild at heart.

    • Probably Jeremy Kyle and Judge Judy because they help their world with a Passion

    • Any book that contains knowledge or experience

    • Used to compete in Judo and loved Boxing or American Football. I also love table tennis.

    • Art, Photography, Drawing, teach those, singing, massage or tactile..., improving my world, the human figure, People, Performance, engineering, Building houses, be kind and civilized, running my network London Life Drawing Network and drawing people.

    • Have true long term friends or Family and find people who want me to draw them and i want to draw them inviting them first at my classes in Holborn, Soho and Hammersmith.

    • Body, calm, reliability, ambition, courage, cuddliness/tactile, fit but a fitness buddy would help, desire to travel, entrepreneur, good at drawing and photography or singing.

    • I'll alway try to invite anyone and everyone to get together and be truly creative forgetting everything else with friends. This would be Life Drawing, Performance, Theatre or Photo workshops.